Industry Trainings

1. Programming

Our industry-leading programming training equips developers and tech professionals with the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in diverse coding environments. From fundamental concepts to advanced techniques, our comprehensive courses cover a wide array of programming languages and frameworks, catering to the evolving demands of the industry. Whether it's web development, mobile app creation, or software engineering, our hands-on approach ensures participants gain practical experience and confidence in building innovative solutions. With experienced instructors and cutting-edge curriculum, Techonam's programming training empowers individuals to tackle complex challenges and drive impactful results in today's dynamic tech-driven world.

2. Data Analytics

Our industry-leading data analytics training empowers developers and tech professionals with the skills and tools necessary to navigate the vast landscape of data effectively. Through hands-on workshops and real-world case studies, participants learn how to collect, process, analyze, and visualize data to extract actionable insights. From basic statistical analysis to advanced machine learning algorithms, our comprehensive curriculum covers a wide range of techniques and methodologies.

3. ML & AI

At Techonam, we understand the transformative potential of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in shaping the future of technology. Our industry-leading training in ML and AI equips developers and tech professionals with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of intelligent systems. Through hands-on projects and theoretical foundations, participants learn to design and implement ML algorithms, neural networks, and AI-driven solutions.

4. Data Engineering

Techonam's industry-leading data engineering training is designed to empower developers and tech professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle the challenges of managing and processing large-scale data effectively. Our comprehensive curriculum covers key concepts such as data modeling, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, and building scalable data pipelines. With Techonam's data engineering training, developers and tech professionals can confidently navigate the complexities of big data and contribute to the success of data-driven initiatives.

5. Devops

DevOps training empowers developers and tech professionals with the skills and methodologies essential for fostering collaboration and efficiency throughout the software development lifecycle. Our comprehensive curriculum covers key concepts such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, infrastructure as code, and automated testing. Participants gain hands-on experience with popular DevOps tools and practices, including Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, and Ansible. Through interactive workshops and real-world simulations, individuals learn to streamline deployment processes, improve scalability, and enhance the reliability of software systems.

6. Automation

Our automation training equips developers and tech professionals with the knowledge and tools needed to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and drive efficiency across various domains. Our comprehensive curriculum covers automation techniques for software development, infrastructure management, and business operations. Participants learn to leverage automation frameworks, scripting languages, and configuration management tools to automate repetitive tasks and workflows.
